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  • DIY Fire Starters For Backpacking And Hiking

DIY Fire Starters For Backpacking And Hiking

A good source of fire is essential while camping for keeping warm, cooking, warding off wild animals, and a variety of other needs. Unfortunately, while on a hike, at times you may not even have a good lighter handy.

In this article, we will give you different cheap and easy DIY fire starter ideas that can help you during a hike or camping trip. All of these options are highly inexpensive and won't cost you more than a few bucks.

Warning: Please take the necessary safety precautions while melting wax. It is highly flammable.

It is best to use the double boiler method if you don't want to ruin your pot or pan while melting wax.

Also, store your DIY fire starters in a Ziploc bag to keep it dry.

DIY Paper cup fire starter

DIY fire starters for backpacking and hiking from cupcake case and wax

Things you need:

  • Small paper cups or muffin cups
  • Melted wax
  • Wood shavings


  1. 1
    Fill the paper cups with wood shavings
  2. 2
    Now pour the melted wax into the paper cups so that the wood shavings are soaked
  3. 3
    Let the wax solidify, Voila! You have your fire starter.

Note: You can use a cut-up egg carton in place of the paper cups. Alternatively, you can fill the paper cup or egg carton with melted wax, and use a strip of cardboard dipped into the wax as a wick to light it. You can also use pinecones in place of wood shavings.

DIY Sawdust fire starter:

Things you need:

  • Wax or old candles
  • Sawdust (tiny particles)
  • Cupcake mold or egg carton
  • A pan


  1. 1
    Melt the wax or old candles in a pan or double boiler. (Take safety precautions as the wax is highly inflammable)
  2. 2
    Add the sawdust to the melted wax in the ratio 2:1
  3. 3
    Now transfer the mixture to a cupcake mold or an egg carton
  4. 4
    Let it dry, and your fire starter cubes are ready

DIY Cotton Pad Firestarter

Things you need:

  • Melted wax (Alternatively you can melt old candles)
  • Cotton pads.


  1. 1
    Dip the cotton pads in wax
  2. 2
    Let it dry

DIY Toilet Paper Roll Firestarter

Things you need:

  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Laundry lint
  • Wax paper


  1. 1
    Stuff the toilet paper roll with lint
  2. 2
    Now wrap the roll in wax paper
  3. 3
    Twist the ends to secure it. Your fire starter is ready!

Alternatively, you can pour melted wax into the lint inside the toilet paper roll instead of using wax paper.

Upgraded DIY Vaseline Ball fire starters:

DIY fire starters for backpacking and hiking from Vaseline and cotton balls

Everybody knows that cotton balls dipped in Vaseline work as a great fire starter. But what about an even better and more efficient method?

Things you need:

  • Cotton balls
  • Melted wax
  • Vaseline


  1. 1
    Dip about half of each cotton ball in melted wax
  2. 2
    Let the wax dry
  3. 3
    Now cover the top part (without the wax) of the cotton ball in Vaseline, which will act as a wick.

This fire starter burns for a much longer time as compared to just a cotton ball dipped in Vaseline.

DIY Self-Igniting Fire Starter:

Things you need:

  • Tissue paper
  • Strike anywhere matches
  • Melted wax


  1. 1
    Wrap the strike-anywhere match in tissue
  2. 2
    Dip it in melted wax
  3. 3
    Let it dry and scrap off the wax on the match head when it's time to light.

DIY Duct Tape Fire Starter

Things you need:

  • Duct tape
  • Cotton balls or crumbled ball of paper


  1. 1
    Cut the duct tape into two short pieces of equal length
  2. 2
    Now stick the cotton ball or paper on the middle of one of the tape pieces
  3. 3
    Now stick the other piece above it to seal it
  4. 4
    Simply pull out a bit of the cotton or paper like a wick when you light it

Infographic on DIY Firestarters

DIY fire starters for backpacking and hiking

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Quick Emergency DIY Firestarters:

Use these if you don't have any pre-made DIY fire starters handy during your hiking or camping trip.

  • Crayon fire starter: Melt some wax crayons. Dip some cotton balls in it to make a quick DIY fire starter
  • Tampon fire starter: Don't have any cotton balls handy? Just soak a tampon in Vaseline to make a fire starter
  • ChapStick fire starter: Cut up a Q-tip in half and push it into the ChapStick. Now fluff up the cotton on the q tip so that it can be used as a wick. Light it up for a quickfire.
  • Hand sanitizer fire starter: Pour some alcohol-based hand sanitizer onto a flat surface. Now light a piece of paper or wood and light up the sanitizer. Be careful as it burns with a clear flame.
  • Your favorite chips that you brought along for your hike can be used as a fire starter. Don't believe us? Check out this video:

The Primitive Way!

Let's suppose you are stranded in the wilderness with no matches or lighter. What do you do now? Your best bet is to go the primitive route and start searching for flintstones. No! I don't mean "The Flintstones," I'm talking about actual flint stones that our primitives used to start the first fire.

Here are some quick tips for identifying a flint rock:

  • Flint rocks are usually found in black or dark gray color
  • Flint rocks have a lustrous, lead like surface
  • Flint rocks are sharp enough to scratch a glass surface
  • These are usually found near river beds and construction sites
Once you have found a good flint rock, you can strike it against a sharp metal edge like that of a knife (like you would with regular matches) to get some sparks flying!

Check out the above-given link to get more information on how to identify flint and other fire-starting rocks as well as how to start a fire!

Here is a bonus video on how to start a fire using only flint rocks in case you don't have a metal.

You can then use natural fire starters such as pinecones, dry leaves, tree resin, twigs, or dried orange peels to transfer the fire.

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Fire starter, infograph, top 10 review

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